SW Parks Trip – Lake Powell

SW Parks Trip – Lake Powell

In November 2012, Daniele and I took a camping trip to the South-West US. We flew in and out of Las Vegas, then spent a few days at the Grand Canyon, followed by the Petrified Forest, and Monument Valley. From … (read more)

SW Parks Trip – Monument Valley

SW Parks Trip – Monument Valley

Our next stop on out South-West Parks trip, after flying into Las Vegas, spending a few days climbing down and up the Grand Canyon, and visiting the Petrified Forest was Monument Valley. We got there at sun rise. This picture above … (read more)

SW Parks Trip – Petrified Forest

SW Parks Trip – Petrified Forest

Our next stop after the Grand Canyon in out November 2012 South-West Parks Camping Trip was the Petrified Forest. Petrified Forest National Park is quite big (146 square miles) and we spent the day driving from section to section and … (read more)

SW Parks Trip – Grand Canyon

SW Parks Trip – Grand Canyon

The first park we stopped at was the Grand Canyon. We had a reservation to camp at the rim that night, but were hoping for a last minute / day-of permit to camp at the bottom. Being November and that … (read more)

SW Parks Trip – Las Vegas

SW Parks Trip – Las Vegas

Daniele has come out to the States to stay visit me every winter since we met in Fall 2010. We normally use this time for a mix of local friends and family visits in the NE US and a trip … (read more)

New York City With Daniele

New York City With Daniele

Back in November 2012, Daniele came to visit me in the States and spend Thanksgiving with my family. Since he takes very long vacations, we fit in a camping trip to some South-West parks rather than spend the whole time … (read more)

Update on the ground, Sandy edition

Note, I wrote the following on 11/2 but was unable to get internet to post until 11/4, there is an update at the bottom I flew back to NJ on the red-eye from San Francisco last night. Things here are … (read more)

Blue Angels in SF

Blue Angels in SF

Our friends Chris and Lori have a Blue Angels party every year. It’s also a fundraiser for the YMCA where Lori is on the board, which is really nice. They have the perfect location to watch the airshow, they are … (read more)

New Jersey Pit Stop

As much as I try to deny that I live in New Jersey with my parents, it is my legal address and where most of my stuff is (though I’m getting more and more to Rome). I much prefer more … (read more)

Home in NJ

Home in NJ

My time back home has come to an end. This was a long stay, September to January but it was full of good stuff. I went to the Jersey Shore with my family, New Orleans with my mom and aunt, … (read more)