Blue Angels in SF

Blue Angels in SF

Our friends Chris and Lori have a Blue Angels party every year. It’s also a fundraiser for the YMCA where Lori is on the board, which is really nice. They have the perfect location to watch the airshow, they are … (read more)

San Francisco with Daniele

San Francisco with Daniele

Daniele and I started our California trip off in San Francisco. We flew in Thursday, November 10 and stayed until Monday the 14th. My friends Chris and Lori very graciously offered for us to stay with them. Thursday. We were … (read more)

Leaving San Francisco

I’ve started my gypsy adventure. Tuesday was my last day at work and Wednesday I moved out of San Francisco. Wednesday morning I still had a lot to get rid of, so I rented a man, named Rick, with a … (read more)