SW Parks Trip – Lake Powell

SW Parks Trip – Lake Powell

In November 2012, Daniele and I took a camping trip to the South-West US. We flew in and out of Las Vegas, then spent a few days at the Grand Canyon, followed by the Petrified Forest, and Monument Valley. From … (read more)

SW Parks Trip – Monument Valley

SW Parks Trip – Monument Valley

Our next stop on out South-West Parks trip, after flying into Las Vegas, spending a few days climbing down and up the Grand Canyon, and visiting the Petrified Forest was Monument Valley. We got there at sun rise. This picture above … (read more)

SW Parks Trip – Petrified Forest

SW Parks Trip – Petrified Forest

Our next stop after the Grand Canyon in out November 2012 South-West Parks Camping Trip was the Petrified Forest. Petrified Forest National Park is quite big (146 square miles) and we spent the day driving from section to section and … (read more)

SW Parks Trip – Grand Canyon

SW Parks Trip – Grand Canyon

The first park we stopped at was the Grand Canyon. We had a reservation to camp at the rim that night, but were hoping for a last minute / day-of permit to camp at the bottom. Being November and that … (read more)