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Corona Virus in Rome
People are reaching out to me multiple times a day concerned about me here in Italy. So I just need to say, I’m fine. It’s not anything like the media has been describing. Though it might become that way soon; … (read more)

Wish I Was Here Italy Premiere
This weekend was the Italian premiere of Zach Braff’s new movie “Wish I Was Here”. It has already been out for a while in the US. It’s received mixed reviews, but I really enjoyed it. I cried through most of … (read more)

Open House Roma
The courtyard and Italian style gardens inside the Academie Nationale de France, housed in Villa Medici This weekend Rome had an event, “Open House Roma”, where lots of palaces, churches, and state buildings were open to the public, for free, … (read more)

Castello Santa Severa
Yesterday (actually yesterday, not uploading months old posts for once), Daniele and I visited the Castle of Santa Severa. The castle has changed hands many times, and now the town of Santa Severa* owns it and opened it for the … (read more)

Coronation Pope Francesco
It was pretty big news here in Rome, and everywhere, last month when Benedict XVI put in notice. It happened really fast, he announced on 11 February that his last day would be 28 February. I was mostly excited that … (read more)

Rome at the Holidays
This year I came back to Rome right after Christmas. This allowed me to spend New Years with my sweetie and to see the holiday decorations in Rome that I normally miss. They strictly take them down after Epiphany. They … (read more)
Update on the ground, Sandy edition
Note, I wrote the following on 11/2 but was unable to get internet to post until 11/4, there is an update at the bottom I flew back to NJ on the red-eye from San Francisco last night. Things here are … (read more)

Blue Angels in SF
Our friends Chris and Lori have a Blue Angels party every year. It’s also a fundraiser for the YMCA where Lori is on the board, which is really nice. They have the perfect location to watch the airshow, they are … (read more)

Rome Summer 2012
I’m just finishing another round in Rome. This trip was a bit shorter because I have to return to NJ for my Italian citizenship appointment, which I’ve had for a year and could not be moved. After that I’ll be … (read more)

Carnevale in Ronciglione
This write-up and photos are from almost a year ago, Carnevale 2012, but they never made it up. I’m trying to upload old pictures and the accompanying stories now with back dates so they are archived in order. Today we … (read more)